One major thing you have to pay close attention if you desire to make money is to look out for ways you can make things easier for people. Offer an already existing product in a better form. Add something to an already existing product. There’s always a way to do things better. Before now you would agree with me that men wore pants as underwear. Somebody came up with the idea of boxers and it sold all over the world. Bottled water, sachet water, camera phones, rechargeable lanterns are all innovations.
A lot of people complain I don’t know what to do. That is not completely true. Every one of us has something within us that the world is desperately in need of. We were made to create things and make life better for ourselves, we’re meant to take charge.
There’s a word called leverage. It means using what you have to get what you want. A clear example that readily comes to mind is this one about us as human beings. We were created to walk on the earth and take dominion over all creations. We were not made to live in water but on land. We were not made to fly like birds but to walk and run.
Despite the fact that human beings were not created to do all of these things, we are still responsible to take charge over the whole earth. This means we are greater than all of creation for us to have been assigned to dominate over them. The truth is that all that we need to dominate has been placed inside of us. It is left for us to bring them out and use these resources for our good.
You would agree with me that man has created planes to help them fly higher than where even the best of birds can fly. Man created vehicles that travel faster than any animal. Man created space ships to travel to other planets other than earth. Man has created ships, submarines than enable man to live inside water. These and many more are clear examples of using the term leverage. There’s something you’ve got that can get you what you want.
You have an idea, a skill, ability, etc that other people are in need of that will in return get you the money you need to feed yourself, buy you that house, get you that dream car, and live the kind of life you desire for yourself. No man was created empty, there is something you have that the world is desperately in need of. Don’t deprive us of that gift. The solution of the problem of the world lies in your hands; don’t be wicked by not bringing it forth.
Self discovery is a necessity for every human being. You need to know who you are. There is a need you were sent to this earth to meet. Meeting that need is what equates fulfilling your purpose, and this in return is what makes you wealthy and invaluable to the world. Take time out to discover who you are and where you are going. To a man who doesn’t know where he is going anyway is okay. Know where your strength lies.
If you have a purpose to fulfil, you’ll find your course in life and maintain that course till you fulfil it. Don’t choose to be just another nobody. You are distinct and it is necessary that you find what makes you so. What is one thing I am passionate about with the core of my being? What is that thing that gets at me so much whenever it is not done well? What is that specific thing that can get tears out of my eyes?
Until a man finds what he can die for, he is not worth living. You need to find out that thing that you would pay whatever price to achieve. Then you are beginning to live life deeply. The reason you do not have enough money right now to do the things you want to do is because you have not helped enough people solve enough problems. Find your soil and plant yourself deeply into it.
You will function best at what you have natural tendency to adapt well with. A fish is comfortable in water and that where it functions best. When a man wants to have a swimming competition with a whale the whale needs not practice on how to win like the man will. This is because all the life of the whale it’s been practicing. It is just its nature and I tell you, the whale will surely win the man any day because that is its terrain.
Don’t do things because other people are doing it, do things because it is what you must do. That way you will be attracting to yourself more expertise and money than you ever bargained for. You cannot be the best tying to be like someone else. The best you will be is second best. Discover who you are and be the original of your own self. Don't be a shadow of yourself. If only you would take time to polish that skill, that idea. Give it water to nurture it and it will begin to bud and bear fruit for all. Don't deprive the world of who you truly are.
what a wonderful write? how are you Bro? This is good......LONG TIME